Home > Artworks > Rodrigo Suarez Coloma

Photo of Rodrigo Suarez Coloma Chile
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Born in Concepción - Chile in 1966. He studied Architecture, in 1988 admitted to the Bachelor in Fine Arts at the University of Concepción, for in 1993 graduating with a major in Painting. Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art Painting words, "From the Brush Pixel 'whose topics were Cybernetic Art, Digital...

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Born in Concepción - Chile in 1966. He studied Architecture, in 1988 admitted to the Bachelor in Fine Arts at the University of Concepción, for in 1993 graduating with a major in Painting. Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art Painting words, "From the Brush Pixel 'whose topics were Cybernetic Art, Digital Painting, Management and Digital Image Creation and Work of Art, Media Image Capture and Printing, approved with highest distinction (1998).

Teacher of Drawing and Expression, Computer Basics, Advertising Graphics Workshop, Workshop Illustration and Airbrush, Art History at the School of Communication and Costume Design Career Professional Institute DUOC U. Catholic. Concepción (1998 - 2000).

Director of Technical Careers in Advertising Design, Technical Training Center Santo Tomás, Concepción (2001 - 2002) and professor at the departments of Graphic Expression I and II, Art History, History of Design, Design Workshop I, II, III and IV, Computer Science I and II, Drawing I, Technical Graphics I and II, Artistic Expression (2001 - 2005).

From 1986 onwards, involved in various solo and group exhibitions, his works developed from drawing to the graphics, painting and digital art: Gallery of History, Concepción (1986), First Honorable Mention in Print, "1st Exhibition of Art VIII Region, Organized by Assoc of Painters and Sculptors from Chile , Concepción (1991), First Prize "New Generation", Version 1993 Paint, Plastic Group, "Land of Fairies", Murals, Communes of Laja, Tomé, Talcahuano, (1993). Organized by the Institute of Contemporary Arts and Institute North American Cultural Chileno, Santiago, The Binational Exhibition of Culture, Santiago (1994), XVII Youth Art Competition 1995, Selected, Valparaiso (1995), exhibition "Parallel Existence", Hotel El Araucano, Concepción (1996), Mekanica image, Digital Art Gallery, University of Concepción, Concepción (1998), Solo exhibition, Mall Plaza El Roble, Chillan, (1999), exhibition "Plastic Pencopolitana, Digital Art, Hotel Terrano Concepcion (2000)," Expo-Venta "Restobar" Soul ", Barrio Bellavista, Santiago, Casa-Taller Bremen Providencia, Santiago (2009).

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